I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teachers are Mrs Tofa and Mrs Raj.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Summer Learning Journal
Today I had to make a copy of a foot print and wright on the foot print about being safe online and to not trust any websites only if you know it that it is good for you and your family.
Summer Learning Journey
Today I'm going to explain my city and my suburb I live in New Zealand and My home town is Auckland the thing I love about Auckland is that they have good beaches and water I love Auckland because it produces food and water the thing I hate about Auckland is that It always rain.
Summer Learning Journey
Today I had to find 3 fun facts about NZ it was one of my activity's from the summer learning journey. Here are some facts I learnt about New Zealand I didn't know about these are facts that I have found about New Zealand.
- The Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high.
- When your in New Zealand, you must drive on the left side of the road.
- New Zealand is one of the world’s least populated countries with over 4 million populations.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
1. Match these Maori names to their ‘known’ name.
2. Te Ika a Maui OR Te Waipounamu / Te Waka a Maui
South Island
| Christchurch |
Cap South Island
| New Plymouth |
North Island
| Mt Cook |
South Island
| Stewart Island |
Island South
| Whakatu |
South Island
Te Reinga
| Te Reinga |
North Island
| Napier |
North Island
| Dunedin |
South Island
| Invercargill |
South Island
| Tauranga |
North Island
Tamaki Makaurau
| Auckland |
North Island
Te Wai Pounamu
| South Island |
South Island
Te Whanganui-a-Tara
| Wellington |
North Island
| Hamilton |
North Island
| Whangarei |
North Island
Te Papa-i-oea
| Palmerston North |
North Island
| Te Runanga O Turanganui A Kiwa |
North Island
| Kaikoura i-SITE Visitor Information Centre |
South Island
| Rotorua |
North Island
| Taupo-nui-a-Tia |
North Island
Today I finished off my blog post about Maori in my DLO it says some city's and the names we had to find if it was in south island or North Island then we had to look for the original name for the Island or city.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Today I had finished my find,draw,animate and act in these animates and videos we had to acted the word we choose.
Conflict horton
Today I had finished off my my writing DLO both of it I had to make two DLO one of mayor and the board and the elephant and the kangaroo.
Nelson mandela
Today my group finished off our Nelson Mandela notes then we had to link it to our blog then we had to look for information about nelson Mandela and how long he has been a protester. after that we had to search his date of birth and his philosophy.
Here is our Notes
Monday, 3 December 2018
Place value worth
Today I had to finish off my dlo about place value abacus in my dlo it will show where the tens are and the thousands and hundred thousands then there was questions near the boxes then we had to put how many tens were in the hundreds and thousands.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Infering thoughts and emotions
Today I had to infer what the small birds emotions were and why they had that emotion in my dlo it will show 2 examples of my teachers and a video that we had to pick a scene to make a infer to the picture.
Today I went to Kiwi Can first we had to recap what we did last week then Miss Paige told us what our new theme and topic was after that we had to get straight into our energizer our energizer was called snake tag. Who ever was the snake had to be on the ground slithering around like a real snake then if the snake tag someone then they will be in too.Then they would be two snakes if they got every one then the last person to get taged will be the winner.After that we had a talk what could we do to help our environment.We said to pick up rubbish,keep our environment clean.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Today I have finished my video with Leon in our video it is us exchanging ten one dollar notes for a ten dollar note this will help you exchange money properly because if you give more money and they count it then that means the person that exchanges will not give your money back.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Plot Diagram
Today I had to finish off my Plot diagram about The lorax. I had to explain how the story of The lorax was lifted away and his friends.Then we had tell it was resolved but is wasn't a good but first we had to do a DLO showing our explanation.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Trench Warefare
LI: To find information about trench warfare.
This week for Inquairy we had to find mroe information about Trench Warfare and put it in my own sentences and putting it in the 4 boxes. For this I was working with Sione T my partner for this DLO we did, Also there was 4 links we could go to and see information about Trench Warafare and videos of Trench Warfare. Also we did different informations about what's in the trench and other information about it also other causes that happen to the soliders. I learnt how to find information about Trench warfare and put it into my own sentence's. How I learnt was to look for information about trench warfare.
How to tell time.
Today at boxing we were learning how to defense and to be quick but before we did that we had to get in partners my partner was fanini. We played a game in this game you'd have to try and get the cone as fast as you and if had the cone then you could wear the gloves.Next we had to put on the liners and the gloves and the my partner fanini had to get a swimming noddle he'd use that to hit me then if he'd it me then I would have to put my gloves up so he doesn't have advantage of hitting my head.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Today at Kiwi Can we were talking about care for our school and community we had to remind them what what our topic and our theme was.Next we played a energizer called hand ball in this game we had to be in a circle then spread our legs then in the middle would be a ball then if you hit the ball and it goes through someones leg then your out.After that we had to recap what we talked what services in our community like the police,hospital and our library.
Friday, 16 November 2018
SSR Selfie.
Today I had to do SSR Selfie my book was Minecraft in this book tells you what minecraft is about and how many years its been out.This was my best game this is why I choose this book.Next SSR Selfie on SSR selfie you'd have choose a book then tell us what the book is about and what the book tells us.
Mounted Art
Today I had completed everything but I just had to finish off my Layout and page setup before I had to do that I had to make a Recount why I choose these colors.When I was doing my page setup first I had to put on my art and then make space to fit for my writing.
Inter-school touch
On Tuesday we went to touch, at touch we had six games our first game was against panama rd school.Playing against panama was very tiring because how we had to defend an attack.Panama was a really good team.After the game we had zero points and panama rd had 2 points. Then we had a break after our break we had a little bit of time watching the others play touch.I decided to practice on my passing to my team.after our break we were playing against tamaki primary.
Tamaki primary was very hard because how fast they were when we played we had some people that were on sub when ever we have the ball we had to swap then I had to be sub after that we had zero points and they three points.After all the games we only won one against Panmure district.
Tamaki primary was very hard because how fast they were when we played we had some people that were on sub when ever we have the ball we had to swap then I had to be sub after that we had zero points and they three points.After all the games we only won one against Panmure district.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
.L.I.to learn our respect to our community.
Today at kiwi can we had learned about respect around our community and what is it like without a community so we talked to Mr mat and Miss Paige about it.Next we played our energizer it was called remote in this game we had to listen to Mr mat if says play then we had to walk around normal if he says stop we had to get down to the floor who ever was last to get down then they would be out.After listening to the instructions we had to wait till they was only one last person.
Today at kiwi can we had learned about respect around our community and what is it like without a community so we talked to Mr mat and Miss Paige about it.Next we played our energizer it was called remote in this game we had to listen to Mr mat if says play then we had to walk around normal if he says stop we had to get down to the floor who ever was last to get down then they would be out.After listening to the instructions we had to wait till they was only one last person.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Art Work
Today I was finishing off my Art Work after I finished my art work I started on my pastel and pencil.My Christmas art was wasn't that detailed it was just simple because I did't want to waste my time drawing all the details.On my armistice art was the same color but very different and this was simple too.On my painting one was very hard and simple because I has to use a compose to draw circles so I know where to paint.After doing my art I had to finish off other must do's.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Max Gimblett's art
This week was a fun inquiry week because we would be doing art after our blog post DLO. We had to complete first information about: Max Gimblett. He is a famouse New Zealand Artist. Then we had to learn about quatre foils which max gimblett uses most for his art. Next for the fun part we got to create 3 peices of art. 1 Was poppy, 2nd was christmas and last was max gimblett style, but we had to make them in paint, pastle and color pencils. So this week was fun.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Exchange Animations.
Today I had to blog my Exchange animation this will show how many tens turn into one then then it will say the number I will still have left in Maori after that we had to make other animations but with different number's.
On Monday we had to use tree to fix our mistakes and tell our readers what tree means.This is my google slide and in there is things that will tell you what tree is.We needed to label where the things had to go and we had to highlight the punctuation,our reflection,and these words after next lastly.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Today at Kiwi Can we were learning about the rules of this school.Mr mat told us raise your hands if you like the school rules we all a agreed.But the people who didn't agree was no one.But the people who didn't put there hand up was kind of disagree.So when Mr mat said who agrees with rules no had there hand up when he said we disagree no show of hands.Then Mr mat said who kind of disagrees all of our hands were up.After that Mr mat said tell what kinds of rules we should add.Someone choose mufti.Then we told them why we choose mufti we choose mufti cause it could show our personality.After that we played a energizer called center ball in this game we had to get in a circle then we had to get numbered from Miss Paige.After we were numbered she'd always call a number if your number was called we had to run around and run back to your spot and grab the ball.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
.L.I. for our school/Respect.
Today at Kiwi Can there was two new teachers Miss's peel and Miss Paige.Miss Paige then Mr mat told us what was the theme and our topic The theme was Respect and the topic was for our school after that we were going to do our energizer our energizer was called Rules VS no Rules in this game we had to play tag but with no Rules when we played it was like a riot because it had no Rules then Mr mat told us to stop Miss Paige asked us what is it like with out any Rules it was very bad with out Rules because we could get hurt.After that we were talking about what our Values were our Care Values are Confidence,Excellence,Innovation and Respect.After that we played our activity it was a role play between bad and good.The good kids were new Students but they had no lunch.The bad kids had lunch but they didn't want to share their lunch.
Today at Kiwi Can there was two new teachers Miss's peel and Miss Paige.Miss Paige then Mr mat told us what was the theme and our topic The theme was Respect and the topic was for our school after that we were going to do our energizer our energizer was called Rules VS no Rules in this game we had to play tag but with no Rules when we played it was like a riot because it had no Rules then Mr mat told us to stop Miss Paige asked us what is it like with out any Rules it was very bad with out Rules because we could get hurt.After that we were talking about what our Values were our Care Values are Confidence,Excellence,Innovation and Respect.After that we played our activity it was a role play between bad and good.The good kids were new Students but they had no lunch.The bad kids had lunch but they didn't want to share their lunch.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Today for inquiry we were gonna launch 3 d shapes at our walls our 2 walls were castle wall and palisade wall.we thought that the palisade wall was gonna be weak because of how it looks then we had make our palisade wall with tooth picks we had to make a line in the middle so they know which one is the castle wall and which one is the palisade wall.We were very frustrated because we did not know what to build for our palisade wall then we made a normal palisade wall with the castle wall we made it with the sand to stand out.
Today at swimming it was the last lesson of the day so when we were getting started we had to do the duck dive I was very nervous doing the duck dive because we had to swim in the middle of the pool and try and jump without touching the floor this was very hard.After that we had to get the noddles and some had to be in front of the noddles so then they had to the horses then the people at the back were the people that had to swim.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Duffy Assembly
Yesterday we had Duffy Assembly at Duffy Assembly there was a Special guests that was going to come his name was Michael Mulipola he was a comic reader,wrestler and a comic artist.He cam to our school to talk about himself.He told us he books about the Polynesians His books were Samoan Hero's and Tongan Hero's.He told us how he was interested in drawing because of reading the school journal.His favorite comic hero was Green Lateran then he told us that he was a gamer and a wreslter. He said he played tekken and fortnite.He wrestled a lot of people after that he was called to give books out.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Sons of ma'afu
LI: to identify the purpose of narratives.LI: to identify the underlying morals/themes/explanations in myths, legends, and fairytales.
Today we had to make a DLO showing the lessons of the book we choose I choose Sons of ma'afu because I thought it would be a great story.So we had to teach you the lessons of the story I choose.In this story There was two sons they liked throwing spears around but never careful and they had to leave the village read more to find it out.
Key board
LI: To learn how to type on keyboard typing.
I went on typing tutor to learn how to type more faster. As you can see on the image I got some of it wrong because you have to type what's on your screen then you space after what you typed. Typing tutor can help type more faster also it can help with your typing. I learnt how to go on it and type fast as I could, It could help me would typing fast, also it tells you what to do and if it has a red on the letter then that means you have to re type it because you got it wrong.
Talbes conga
LI: To learn how to count in sevens.
This week I went on Tables Conga to do counting in 2's,3's,4s,5s,6s, or sevens. When I went on I had to do my sevens it goes seven, fourteen, twenty-one, twenty-eight and the you just keep on finding the numbers to it but if you touch the X and if you try go near it you die straight away and you will need to start over again in sevens. I learnt that if you go close to the X or go near it you die easily and you will need to start over again. On Tables Conga it puts numbers in different places so its hard to get to the numbers and well your getting numbers the X will be everywhere and its gonna keep on coming up and it will try to make you out of the game so that you can start over.
Writing Procedure
LI: to identify the structure and language features of a procedural text.What does the word ‘procedure’ mean?
Today for writing we had to make a DLO showing the definition of Verbs,Present tense,3rd person.This is my DLO showing the definitions of Verbs,Present tense and 3rd person.
Today for writing we had to make a DLO showing the definition of Verbs,Present tense,3rd person.This is my DLO showing the definitions of Verbs,Present tense and 3rd person.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
.L.I.to make a whirl pool.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
.L.I.Perseverance and resilience.
Today at kiwi can we played a energizer called add master This game was kind of like rock,paper,scissors.In this game you had to go around in a circle then you'd have to shake your hands 3 times then pick any number with your hands like 21.After that we talked about how to stop being frustrated then Mr mat told what are some ideas we can think of when we are frustrated some of the kids in my class said to breath in and out.When we finished we played a game called card tower In this game you had to get in a group of 4 then Mr mat gave us cards to build a tower our group was almost finished but we could not put on top.Then Mr mat said we had four minutes then every one started to get frustrated then I tried to calm down my group we almost finished the time was over Mr mat choose the group that next to us.After that we had a fast General knowledge questioning then we had to go around the world Then we finished.
Today at kiwi can we played a energizer called add master This game was kind of like rock,paper,scissors.In this game you had to go around in a circle then you'd have to shake your hands 3 times then pick any number with your hands like 21.After that we talked about how to stop being frustrated then Mr mat told what are some ideas we can think of when we are frustrated some of the kids in my class said to breath in and out.When we finished we played a game called card tower In this game you had to get in a group of 4 then Mr mat gave us cards to build a tower our group was almost finished but we could not put on top.Then Mr mat said we had four minutes then every one started to get frustrated then I tried to calm down my group we almost finished the time was over Mr mat choose the group that next to us.After that we had a fast General knowledge questioning then we had to go around the world Then we finished.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Rugby Training & Inter-school.
Today I went to the Rugby university then we had to go to different kinds of fields I was in development it was very fun playing and getting to know rugby I use to play rugby league so that is why I had to join development.Doing these skills for rugby was very difficult because I did not know what to do then these people came to teach us First I started at scrums this was very hard because my group was very big.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
.L.I.to learn how scull.
Today I went to swimming at swimming we had to be in a big group because there was only 10 people who came then we had to sculling again it was very fun because we could choose any swimming style but we could not touch the floor.It was a bit challenging because some of the people in my group was trying there hard then it was my turn this was quit easy because I knew how to do it.Then we had to lye then we had to try and use our hands in stead of our legs.
Today I went to swimming at swimming we had to be in a big group because there was only 10 people who came then we had to sculling again it was very fun because we could choose any swimming style but we could not touch the floor.It was a bit challenging because some of the people in my group was trying there hard then it was my turn this was quit easy because I knew how to do it.Then we had to lye then we had to try and use our hands in stead of our legs.
Friday, 31 August 2018
.L.I.to learn how to stay together when floating.
Today at swimming we had to put on some of the life jackets.After that they told us to jump in the pool then we had to hold on the other persons life jacket then hold and then put your legs to the front. After that we made this circle.The circle was very hard to do because all of us had to put all our legs up then we had to break up then we had to lye on our backs and swim to the end.
Today at swimming we had to put on some of the life jackets.After that they told us to jump in the pool then we had to hold on the other persons life jacket then hold and then put your legs to the front. After that we made this circle.The circle was very hard to do because all of us had to put all our legs up then we had to break up then we had to lye on our backs and swim to the end.
Technology: Cannons

Today for Inquiry we were learning to make a presentation about our technology for our game our other technology was trenches.Our technology was cannon we had to do why our group choose it and 2 examples about it.we choose this because because it would be good for our game.About the game.The purpose of the game is to get the gold.But that is only if your the invaders but for the defenders is kind of easy because you just had to defend but with the cannons was going to be hard.In order to get the cannon you'd have to pass the invaders to get cannon but two people would have to move the cannon like the picture over there.Playing the game is very good and sometimes cheating I hope you like our presentation.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
.L.I.to learn how to solve a problem.
Today at kiwi can we were talking about our topic and theme out topic was problem solving and the theme was resilience after that they told us what was resilience was it was very good learning about resilience.After that we played a game called hoop de hoop.In this game you had to number one or two people then you had to run if you get stopped by a another person you had to rock paper scissors the.And who ever won will run to the other end of the other team will lose.Then we talked about asking for help when your stuck on something.Then we played a activity called mat dodge ball this game was you had to make a circle then someone had to shout out numbers then who had to roll the ball.
Today at kiwi can we were talking about our topic and theme out topic was problem solving and the theme was resilience after that they told us what was resilience was it was very good learning about resilience.After that we played a game called hoop de hoop.In this game you had to number one or two people then you had to run if you get stopped by a another person you had to rock paper scissors the.And who ever won will run to the other end of the other team will lose.Then we talked about asking for help when your stuck on something.Then we played a activity called mat dodge ball this game was you had to make a circle then someone had to shout out numbers then who had to roll the ball.
kiwi can,
Structures & Sunsets.
Structures & Sunsets.
.L.I.To make a Silhouette & Sunset.
Yesterday I made a silhouette So first I had to look for a city then I found a cityscape my cityscape was dubai.In dubai they have very big skyscapers and that was why I wanted to choose it Doing my cityscape was very hard because I did not choose any sunset backround for my city scape the n I made my own sunset.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Narrative August
Narrative August
One day there was a assassin named John. he was from a academy for assassin’s.He’d always liked to go visit the city every day.John lives in a flash mansion with a very big pool.john has missions very midnight when it’s raining so when he eliminates bad guys blood washes away so the police don’t get any evidence.
The next day John woke up watching the news on the news it said the president was killed.john was getting ready for his very first greatest mission ever done.John disguised liked he worked at the white house.John was very cheeky he would hide cameras everywhere. when it was getting dark.
John used some of his lethal weapons.Then John sees bad guys walking down the hallway talking about destroying the white house.John through a hand grenade then it kills them all john hacks into the system turning off the bomb.Then on the news it says that a unknown person has rescued the white house.After that john gets a call from a Society called Kings-man. Then he becomes a agent for Kings-man. He now goes on very bad missions like saving the world from dying.When he knew the world was going to die he quickly ran out of his mansion then saw unknown spaceships.
.L.I.To write an interesting Character and Setting description.Today for writing we had to blog our narrative that we were working on to finish. I choose this because I like watching assassin movies and agent movies.For me to do this we had to some character setting and Where the Setting is.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Today at Swimming it was quite different we were talking about how to save someone.After talking we had to buddy up.After budding up someone had to jump in the water and put your hand straight up and scream help 4 or 3 times.Then we had to grab onto the noodle then we had to switch and do the same thing again.Then they showed us how to balance in the water.It was very hard trying to do I was doing very well when we finished we hat to stay next to the wall.I was trying very hard then it started to get easier and easier after that.That they told us.Next week we had to swim from the beginning to the end.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Today at kiwi-can we were learning about our new topic.Our new topic was problem-solving.after that we played our energizer our energizer was called tangled about this game you had to hold other peoples hand across you than.You had to work as a team to try and strangle your self out.It was very hard because my group was not listening to each other.Then we became last.After our energizer we were talking how to solve a problem answering this question was hard.After talking we played a activity our activity was called mat dodge ball.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
This Tuesday we went to the sky tower.First we had to make sure we were all here so we did the roll.After that we hoped on the bus till we got.When we got there their was two special people who worked there.Those were the people who ha to show us some of the things a the sky tower.After that we went to a place that was the entrance for the sky tower it.Then we went on this elevator that was very scary there was bullet proof glass that you could stand on in the elevator.

When we got up there we could see everything.When I was exploring I saw these glass next to the glass there was a sign that said this glass your standing on is 38 mm thick and as strong as the concrete your standing on.I saw workers Then the people gave us these papers to fill in we had to find the names of the islands that we could see.Then the special people said that someone is jumping in 1 minute.When the time was finished the person was going down very fast.It was 11 seconds to get down after exploring.We came down to special level called the refuge room this room was for when they a fire.They had special things to calm down people.

When we got up there we could see everything.When I was exploring I saw these glass next to the glass there was a sign that said this glass your standing on is 38 mm thick and as strong as the concrete your standing on.I saw workers Then the people gave us these papers to fill in we had to find the names of the islands that we could see.Then the special people said that someone is jumping in 1 minute.When the time was finished the person was going down very fast.It was 11 seconds to get down after exploring.We came down to special level called the refuge room this room was for when they a fire.They had special things to calm down people.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Descriptive Writing
.L.I.To write interesting Character and Setting Description.
Today for writing were learning to make Boring to Exciting using this T on the left side we had to copy some of our details from our character slide deck.On the right side we had to describe our character where they come from and where they live.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Kiwi Sport
.L.I.How to breath when swimming.
Today at swimming we were talking about hypothermia and they told us what to do when someone has hypothermia.After that we were testing our swimming skills then we learned how to breath when swimming first we had to dive then swim for 6 seconds then look up wards then breath for 6 seconds or more.after that we had to finish with a hi five then swim.
Today at swimming we were talking about hypothermia and they told us what to do when someone has hypothermia.After that we were testing our swimming skills then we learned how to breath when swimming first we had to dive then swim for 6 seconds then look up wards then breath for 6 seconds or more.after that we had to finish with a hi five then swim.
kiwi sport
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
.L.I.Learning how to achieve and earn your goal.
Today for Kiwi Can we were learning about how to achieve your goal and learned about resilience after that we played a energizer called octopus.In this game MR Matt was the octopus MR Matt was with the noddles and trying to hit us with it when MR Matt hits us we turn into a octopus and try to get the others who are still a human.The purpose about the game was that the girls and boys had to try and get to the other side.Then we talked about what are going to do when achieve your goal.Then we talked about what is going to be our next goal.our next game was called snatch we had to try and get a cone from the ground if two people grabbed it at once then you have to rock paper rock paper scissors.
Today for Kiwi Can we were learning about how to achieve your goal and learned about resilience after that we played a energizer called octopus.In this game MR Matt was the octopus MR Matt was with the noddles and trying to hit us with it when MR Matt hits us we turn into a octopus and try to get the others who are still a human.The purpose about the game was that the girls and boys had to try and get to the other side.Then we talked about what are going to do when achieve your goal.Then we talked about what is going to be our next goal.our next game was called snatch we had to try and get a cone from the ground if two people grabbed it at once then you have to rock paper rock paper scissors.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Today for cybersmart we did word cloud. First I had to make a copy of the google slide and make a word cloud. I learnt how to make a word cloud and design it and to use some words. I also learnt about what is media and how to learn about media construction.
Word Cloud
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