
Friday, 28 June 2019

Ki O Rahi

This week we went down to dunkirk for interschool. Our first game against Tamaki Primary was hard because Tamaki Primaries defence was good after a rough game we lost.Next we played against Te poa the first game we won because our attack was very good because of our strategies. We had a second round because Panmure District was not here.The second round was not that easy because we were playing harder opponents after a very hard game we lost.After that we played St Patrick school was a easy match because they're defence was bad after a few rounds we won St Patricks had a good team but bad defence as taniwha.Next we played against stone fields.stone fields  was a very hard team to play against because they had very quick people. We had a very good defence as taniwha we scored as much points to try win after a rough game we thought we were going to lose but the ref said we won.       

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